

As per the requirement of manufacturing process with interacting as

Non-Conventional method Graphix Technologies has designed this Solid-Works 2016 for new users who want to become proficient withSolid-Works 2016 as efficient as possible to learn Core-modelling

Skills with included topics.



  1. Siemens company & product.
  2. Requirement of basic geometries for core-modelling.
  3. Geetting started with Solid-works 2016 with system configuration.


  1. Profile Toolbar:- Different types of profiles with Solid interface, concept of parametric to draw profiles like line, rectangle, circle, etc.
  2. Operational Toolbar:- Sketching Techniques, scaling, copying, moving, etc.
  3. Constrains:- Definition, dimensional constraints like linear, align, geometric constraints like horizontal, vertical, tangent, etc with respect to strong & weak dimensions.

Feature creation with basic features like extrude – extrude cut, revolvecut – revolve, sweep – sweep cut, loft – loft cut, helix and all with adding and removal conditions etc.

Dress up features like rib, shell, round, chamfer, draft, dome, hole, etc.

Methods of modelling – plane offset, plane at angle, plane at point, create axis, point, co-ordinate sys, spline, etc

Auxiliary features like copy, mirror, pattern, etc.


Introduction to Solid-works-assembly

  • Types Of Assembly :-

    1. Bottom up assembly with details explanations
    2. Top down assembly with detail explanations

For Bottom up assembly

Assembly constraints :- Static constraints like mate, coinside, insert etc working with package & flexible components with exploded representations as per x,y,z direction.

Open components in separate window for constraint creation.

For Top Down Assembly

Assembly Constraints :- static constraints required mainly the ref. Along surfaces, along plane, mainly it is use for large assemblies in which small components will not be assemble by constraints easily.


Introduction to drafting, drawing with or without template, formats, placing general, projection, auxiliary, prospective views, placing dimensions, overwriting the dimensions, etc

Types of drafting :-

  1. Generative Drafting With Detail Explanations – By placing the orthographic projections in sheet with isometric view which is mainly use for production in manufacturing.
  2. Interactive (Detail) Drafting with Detail Explanations – By placing whole assembly with exploded view by creating bill of material and balloons due to which we easily assemble the assembly in assembly line in manufacturing.


Datum curves, Datum Points, Datum Co-Ordinate System,

Surface Creation like fill, extrude, revolve, sweep, helix, loft, boundary blend

Surface transformation like offset, extend, etc

Editing Surface like trim, project, wrap, etc

Surface merging like intersect and merge.

Conversion of surface to solids thicken, remove, etc



Advance feature with blend, concept of sweep, parent-child relationship, pattern-dim, reference, group, UDF’s, family tables, Advance commands with wrap, working with external geometries, parameter realtion, wrap, etc with simplified representation.


Assembly constraints :- Dynamic constraints like revolute, cylinder, slider, planar, slot, etc working with package & flexible components with connections like gear, CAM with visual representation as per x, y, z direction.


Placing Dimensions with 3D views, Tolerances, Notes, drafting tools, sheets, bill of material, balloon creation, etc


  • Introduction, creation of sheet metal geometry like flat wall, revolve wall, blend wall, offset wall with twist, extend, flange, bend, unbend, bend back, conversion, etc.

    Creation of reliefs in sheet metal components with creating cuts in sheet metal components, creating the flat pattern, creation of features, form, documentation, validation.

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